Photo Riddle

by SmartLizard



Recognize pictures by a visible part. Your goal is to pick right answer based on a visual image . Play questions blind or use points to uncover an image. Adjust your strategy - score victory points by taking risks if you can spot a photo by fragment or keep exposing an image until you recognize it. Basic rules:- 300 score points per question if you answer blind- One wrong answer is allowed per question and it will cost you 50 points- If you miss twice you loose all points for the question- Visible part of an image too small? Use up to 200 points per question to open cells and see the entire image - then strain your head and win it! Key features:- Photo Riddle is free forever- Questions updates every day- New quizzes get updated and become available for the app over the internet- Keep track of your stats and progressAnswer picture quiz questions to boost your knowledge in various topics. Have fun and sharpen your mental skills. Challenge yourself daily with this free photo quiz.